A Visitation from the Lord

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by Desi Jakab
I had a visitation from the Lord, September 18-19, 2010. A supernatural
manifestation of God’s presence and Spirit like I have not had in many
years. In fact I woke up in bed where I was in a large meeting rebuking
the religious spirits out of people’s lives, I always include myself too. If
leaders of God’s people cannot be honest within themselves, and put
their own lives on the chopping block, then how can they lead God’s
people if they themselves are being deceived. “For the heart of man
(every man) is deceitful above everything else, and desperately wicked.”
That is God’s Word and not my own. This is why we all need our hearts
transformed and translated into the image of Jesus Christ, God’s only
Son! If our hearts and lives are transformed into the image of God then
the bondages and hinderance will also all have to go as well.
The Lord clearly spoke to me and in fact showed me most of God’s
people are in bondage to religious spirits (demons) — that have been
assigned by the enemy and are specifically hindering them in their lives
and commitment to Jesus and their maturity in Christ. Pastors as well as
leaders are not excluded, this is why the people are subject to the
demonic attacks of the enemy like never before. Read Isaiah 56:9-12.
And this is why the people of God are powerless against the attacks
of the enemy and the Great Deception that God clearly spoke to me
about already back in 1981! Almost 30 years ago. And all are subject to
the deceptions and the cruelty of Babylon the Great that is fallen from
God’s Grace and the position that God has intended for His people and
for the Bride of Jesus Christ.
Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or
rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no
record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices
in the Truth. (They that worship Him must worship Him in the power of
God’s Spirit and in truth) Love never gives up, never loses faith, is
always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.
“Many of God’s people are left Orphaned and Fatherless (insecure,
helpless, hopeless, and confused) when they are not properly grounded
and rooted in the Father and/or in Christ. The most important lesson for
all of us to learn is the crucified life and allowing God’s Word to become
the Living Word of His Love – Manifested Within Us.”
Pastors and Missionaries to the Poor and the Orphans:
Desi and Martha Jakab, Email:voxafricaus@yahoo.com