Today is May 28, 2019 // The Lord spoke to me this morning,, and talked to me about “IDOLS” of the heart and idols in our lives,, They will hinder people from worshipping Father God and His Glorious Son, in Spirit and in Truth.,.. because Idols take the place of our worship to to God,,

1John 5:18-21 “those that are BORN OF GOD, will keep themselves and the Wicked One touches them not” or “touches him not” and the last verse 21 “Little children, keep yourselves from idols”
The Revelation is that idols in ones life will hinder them and keep them from worshipping the Father and the Son in Spirit and in Truth…
Idols are believing the lies of the enemy.. (believing the lies instead of believing the Truth and thus replacing the Truth (Jesus) with the lie or lies of the enemy.. and worshipping things, people, angels, singers, and a million other idols, instead of worshipping God in in the Purity of God’s Holy Spirit and in Truth. “Jesus is the Way, He is the Truth, and He is the Life and no man comes to the Father except through Him and/or in Him.
(Please Read the dynamite scriptures that were given to God’s people so they may be able to discern God’s Truth and refuse the lies and the deceptions of the Enemy (2Thess.2:8-12 )
That was just something that the Lord blessed me with this morning // Trust all is well, blessings and love to you 🙂
Helping the Poor and the Orphans in Malawi, Africa:
James 1:27 tells us clearly, “True Christianity or True Religion is to help the poor, the Orphans and those that are true widows in their afflictions.”
We are currently feeding and schooling 1,000 little children in Malawi, Africa: and My wife Martha also informs me that after the floods and Cyclones (South Hemisphere hurricanes) that wiped out crops, we are also helping in the feeding of 2,500 people. We need your help as the schooling of the children and feeding programs are costing 3,000 Canadian dollars every month, ONLY. To pay for the children and schooling this is only 3 Canadian dollars every month, per child: As we now have grades 1 to 5 and preschool, 1,000 children as well as several feeding centers. In US dollars that comes to 2,200 US per month at this time. And More school buildings are to be built as well, Each building costs 6,000 Canadian dollars or 4,000 US dollars.. James 1:27 tells us that “True Christianity and/or True Religion is to help the poor, the orphans and those who are truly widows in their afflictions,,”
Thank you for giving to the Lord. “LITTLE IS MUCH WHEN GOD IS IN IT”: As we keep nothing and take nothing for our selves,
This is God’s Ministry NOT OURS & You can Truly be Blessed:
Those who truly need a miracle in their lives // You can Truly Be Blessed.. as we also pray with our pastors and all the little children in Africa, for those that partner with Feeding the Hungry Global Ministries EVERY DAY.
Blessings and Love, Desi and Martha and all the little people (the poor and the Orphans) that are being helped in Malawi and Mozambique Africa. Martha reminds me that there are 2,500 people being fed: Apparently that is not including all the children that are being schooled in Malawi (the preschool and grades 1 to 5 orphans and the very poor..) We do all of our ministry out of our town house and only our home church Mission Zion assist this work donating regularly $200 monthly, so we truly have to trust the Lord for the finances that He provides. Blessings and love.