God bless you and trust you ARE ALL doing well,,
Feeding the Hungry Global Ministries // is doing amazingly well,,// We definitely have to depend on the Lord every single day as the ministry continues to grow in Malawi and also in Mozambique,, we now not only have over 1,000 little ones being schooled and also fed but our pastor friend we have been working with over the years since 2005, out of his poverty now has 60 churches in Mozambique (along the border area of Malawi) and another 40 churches in Malawi…
When we first started with him and the Lord spoke to us to partner with him,, in 2005 he only had 11 churches including his home base,, Out of his poverty he was already helping the orphans and the poor,, Martha also reminded me that in the other feeding centers // Apart from the school .. Currently, they are also feeding 2,500 other people as they had major Cyclones and terrible flooding that wiped out all their crops in March and April,, But The Lord is with us as He continues to bless,,, The school of over 1,000 little ones only costs us 3 dollars per month Per Child.. Paying the teachers and schooling and feeding,,

“LITTLE IS MUCH WHEN GOD IS IN IT” Not bad for two little nobody’s like Martha and me,, But God is much Bigger than we are… and always has been π The only sure income we have is the $200 dollars that comes from Mission Zion (our home church) the rest we have to trust the Lord completely as it all comes by FAITH… Love always Desi and Martha π
Martha reminded me recently of a Word that The Lord had for us through our very good friend Bud McLean in 1998.
“The suite and armour that Bud spoke to us about in 1998 before we went to Rock Creed to Pastor and then to Malawi in July 2,000 and the box that men would try to put us in, would not work // BUT THE SUIT THAT GOD HAS GIVEN IS while others scratch their religious heads, IS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING,,
IF ANY ONE would like to invest in God’s kingdom,, and where the money goes directly to the poor and the needy / please connect with us..
Our address is: Feeding the Hungry Global MInistries
26 – 32959 George Ferguson Way,
Abbotsford, BC Canada V2S 7W9
Tel., 604 870-0472 or www.feedingthehungry.ca
Blessings and Love // Desi and Martha Jakab